If you are looking to make money easy and fast, look somewhere else. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful in this or any business. You have to develop your custom apparel, get it made, and then convince people to buy it. Then do it again every single time you release new merchandise. If you are willing to put in the hours, money, and effort it can be rewarding financially and emotionally.
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What is Screen Printing?
Simply put, screen printing is the process of putting ink onto a garment by pushing ink through a screen using a squeegee. The screen acts as a stencil. Each print color requires its own screen. For example, a 4 color image will require at least 4 screens with each color of ink placed on an individual screen. A garment is sent around the press, and each screen prints a color onto the garment one by one.
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When having shirts printed, getting custom tags is really the cherry on top. Having a tag with your brand name and website on it says a lot more about what you stand for than a Gildan, Next Level, or Hanes tag. It’s another opportunity to tie your branding together and let your customers know they are buying high quality merchandise.
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Hustle! What does that word mean? It’s a trendy word these days, but what is hustle really all about. Better yet, what does it take to start a clothing company and build a legitimate business from nothing? Or even better yet, what did it take for Mit Vongsouvane of Midwest Monstaz to build his brand?
At Twin City Tees, we print all of Mit’s stuff, and I had the chance to sit down with him and ask him a few questions about his business. We talked about challenges, passion, and the grind of owning a business. Mit had a lot to share.
Tell me about something you learned the hard way that someone new to the T-shirt business should hear.
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